Learn the Exact steps to heal your gut

your spot for Science-based  Gut Health Breakthroughs, Hacks, and Encouragement.

Better Belly Blog

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Hear a CLIENT TESTIMONIAL from Abby Herman on how she went from bloated and extreme sugar cravings to weight loss and glowing skin – in 6 months!

13// Drop Sugar Cravings, Lose Weight, and Get Glowing Skin [Client Testimonial – Abby Herman]

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Hear a CLIENT TESTIMONIAL from Abby Herman on how she went from bloated and extreme sugar cravings to weight loss and glowing skin – in 6 months!

13// Drop Sugar Cravings, Lose Weight, and Get Glowing Skin [Client Testimonial – Abby Herman]

Gut Health

You are the average of the top 5 people you spend time with.
I first heard this quote in 2018. What does it mean? Of the top 5 people you listen to and interact with, those people’s same characteristics are and will slowly become yours.

12// How to Curate Your Top 5 Relationships to Heal Your Gut

Gut Health

Do you know the top 5 things you need to prioritize every day to have a life that you feel is successful, peaceful, and fruitful?
As we continue our series on the link between the brain and gut, I am about to drop some AMAZING resources that did exactly this for me in 2018!

You’ve heard of the brain-gut axis before. You KNOW that your brain effects your gut, and your gut effects your brain. But what are some actual, real, PRACTICAL steps you can take to improve your gut health?

10// Being Grateful In the Pain


Today, I want to share something really vulnerable with you. Ever since I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 6th grade, I have had this question BURNING in my mind. Is my sickness biological, psychological, or spiritual?

09// Is My Sickness Biological, Psychological, or Spiritual?


YOU ARE THE TITANIC. You are awesome. Strong. And…you hit an iceberg. What now? What do you do after you take on water and patch your hull? WHEN can you take on passengers again and sail majestic and free?

Where did your IBS come from? Why did you develop it when you did? In this episode, we dive into three areas researchers believe IBS comes from, and we share tips on what you can do about each area!

Episode 6// Three Origins of IBS + What You Can Do About It


At Better Belly Therapies, we are ALL about how we can be CREATIVE and heal the gut through more ways than just food and probiotics.

Episode 5// Two Treatments for IBS That You Probably Have Never Heard Of


Visceral Manipulation

Have you ever taken a probiotic only to have little to no improvement in your gut? Or, perhaps you’ve even felt worse? Here’s why.

OMG! Yes, I need this!

How to Heal Your Gut...

Free Traininig

...so that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones

...so that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones