Allison Jordan FDN-P is a Functional Health Practitioner who helps women end bloating and constipation for GOOD.
After losing her job, her hair, and her period to debilitating health problems, she healed herself through functional medicine.
Now, she shares her best tips and science on the gut on her podcast, the Better Belly Podcast, a top 1.5% global podcast and teaches women how to overcome decades of gut health problems and hormone imbalance through her course, the Better Belly Blueprint.
SHE Talks Health, with Sophie Shepherd FDN-P
"How Physical Injury Affects Your Gut Health" with Allison Jordan
Biz Chix Podcast, with Natalie Eckdahl MBA
"The Science of Mindset" with Allison Jordan
Game on Girlfriend Podcast, with Sarah Walton
"The Most Overlooked Resource In Your Business" with Allison Jordan
That Naturopathic Podcast
"Why a Low FODMAP Diet Is Not the Solution, and 3 Steps to Improve Your Digestive Health for Good"
Hope Motivates Actions
"Optimize Your Health with Better Belly Therapies"
The Content Experiment Podcast
"Take Care of Yourself and Your Business" with Allison Jordan
Podcast Guest Features
Bronson Methodist Hospital
Fall 2017 - Gastroenterology Lunch and Learn
Arise Here Women's Conference
Winter 2021 - How to Become Your Own Best Healer
Peaceful Minds Counseling Center
Fall 2020 - Craniosacral Therapy for Mental Health
University of Michigan
Spring 2018 - Michigan Executives MBA Program
Eclectic Grounds Virtual Summit
Fall 2020 - How the Gut Really Works
events i've spoken at
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