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Have you ever wondered what lab tests you need? Have you ever felt previous lab results didn’t bring the answers you were seeking? Do you wish for clarity in your health? If so, this episode is for YOU!
Have you ever wondered what lab tests you need? Have you ever felt previous lab results didn’t bring the answers you were seeking? Do you wish for clarity in your health? If so, this episode is for YOU!
Our current episode series is all about how being able to read your own blood work from your doctor is a MUST for every woman. Every episode topic, from the thyroid to acid reflux to client testimonials, has led to the upcoming launch of Blood Lab Bootcamp. This online course is going LIVE for registration very soon at the turn of the new year – Jan 5th through 12th. Today, I’m sharing another testimonial on how bloodwork changed a life. But this time – it’s mine!
Have you ever noticed that no matter how many times or how often you take Iron and Vitamin D, your doctor keeps telling you that they’re low? Even after you bought the supplements and did everything you were supposed to? Supplements are an investment, especially if you’re trying hard in your health through supplementation. The sunk cost of supplements that don’t make a difference in your health adds up! Tune in if you’ve been unable to restore your Iron or Vitamin D levels to learn more!
We all KNOW how important the thyroid is, but there’s often uncertainty surrounding thyroid issues! What if you could understand your thyroid? What if that understanding allowed you to save time, money, and frustration? What if you could be empowered in your health and working with a doctor you KNEW was on the same page as you? I have good news – it’s easier than you think!
Have you ever had SIBO? Do you think you might have SIBO? Or – are you the one out of every 2 people who have gotten SIBO – only to get it again? (SIBO has a 50% recurrence rate in individuals who have had it before!) Whether you are one of the above, or just a curious listener trying to make sense of all things gut and information out there, then today’s episode is just for you.
Our doctors constantly hammer us about our cholesterol. Are we eating too much meat? Red meat? Fatty meat? Egg yolks? If our cholesterol is high, there’s shame and stigma surrounding that number. (PS. I have tons of slender, even “healthy”, clients with high cholesterol. Their doctors literally don’t know what to do with them). If our cholesterol is fine, right now, we’re terrified of if it ever goes high. If our cholesterol is low – doctor’s don’t even talk too much about that. But it happens.
Back in March of this year, 2021, I released a podcast episode titled “Why Your Doctor Says Your Labs Look Normal When You Don’t Feel Normal.” I recorded this episode on the heels of my first pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage. At the time, I was doing some serious detective work with my blood labs!
PERFECTIONISM… According to Brene Brown, “Perfectionism is the addictive belief that if we can appear perfect, we can avoid shame.” Have you ever wondered if what you were doing in your health was driven by a healthy desire to improve? Or if it was driven by an unbending force demanding you to do everything perfectly? In this week’s episode, let’s discuss how to identify if fear and shame are manifesting in your health. I’ll also share 4 steps you can take today to slowly get out from under the pressure and demand of perfectionism!
Have you ever felt that your health journey was simply chaotic? Have you ever felt that your health journey was a type of living hell, one you didn’t know how to get out of? Have you ever felt that all you wanted in your health, and life, was a little order? Some clear next steps that would work? And a path that would get you – and keep you – healthy?
OMG! Yes, I need this!
Free Traininig that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones