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Is a parasite at the bottom of your IBS? Check out this insightful episode to learn about Blastocystis Hominis – the most common IBS parasite.
Is a parasite at the bottom of your IBS? Check out this insightful episode to learn about Blastocystis Hominis – the most common IBS parasite.
Have you ever felt like in your diet was a puzzle piece you were trying to make fit – and just didn’t?
Have you ever felt that you weren’t sure what foods would get you the healthy results you want? If so, you are not alone!
Have you ever considered going gluten free? Have you ever gotten a negative result on a Celiac Test but still wondered if you’re allergic to gluten? Are you currently avoiding gluten but still have a bucket of symptoms and are not sure if being gluten free is helping you? If you said “YES” to any of these questions, this episode is for you!
There are things worth hating in this world. Lies are one of them.
Especially pernicious lies that keep people sick and make them think their sickness is their fault!
The #1 lie about food that I hate is one of those lies.
Hear a CLIENT TESTIMONIAL from Abby Herman on how she went from bloated and extreme sugar cravings to weight loss and glowing skin – in 6 months!
You are the average of the top 5 people you spend time with.
I first heard this quote in 2018. What does it mean? Of the top 5 people you listen to and interact with, those people’s same characteristics are and will slowly become yours.
What does: breaking your tailbone → PMS → appendicitis → IVF (in-vitro fertilization) → depression → prostatitis → and your microbiome have in common? YOUR PELVIC FLOOR!! Today I interview my friend Dr. Nidhi Sharma, a pelvic floor therapist, and in our episode today, we talk about all this and more!
Where did your IBS come from? Why did you develop it when you did? In this episode, we dive into three areas researchers believe IBS comes from, and we share tips on what you can do about each area!
At Better Belly Therapies, we are ALL about how we can be CREATIVE and heal the gut through more ways than just food and probiotics.
OMG! Yes, I need this!
Free Traininig that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones