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If you’ve been on the low FODMAP diet, learn the 3 simple steps you need to get FREE from FODMAPs – as well as gas, bloating, and IBS!
If you’ve been on the low FODMAP diet, learn the 3 simple steps you need to get FREE from FODMAPs – as well as gas, bloating, and IBS!
3 hidden reasons going gluten free didn’t cure your gas, bloating, IBS, or constipation – and why you may still need to avoid gluten.
Is your “healthy” vegetarian or vegan diet making your bloating, gas, and IBS worse? Find out today, and learn what you can do about it.
Having chronic illness and gut health issues IBS often goes unnoticed – and unappreciated. I see you, girl. Here are 5 reasons you are BRAVE.
Still have IBS? Good news – you don’t need to be stuck on the low FODMAP diet and probiotics. Find out how you can end your IBS!
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and Visceral Manipulation (VM) are powerful, hands-on therapies that we use daily at Better Belly Therapies to help our clients with IBS, acid reflux, autoimmune diseases, and gut health disorders! In this article, learn how to find a therapist near you!
If you have ever been pregnant, or heard a pregnant woman talk about what it’s like to be pregnant, you may realize that pregnancy is one big IBS trap. In this week’s podcast, learn the keys to having an IBS-free pregnancy.
IBS is a multi-faceted diagnosis that requires a multi-layered approach to heal it – for good.
IBS and Fibromyalgia are inherently connected. Up to 60% of patients with IBS have Fibromyalgia. Learn how to heal BOTH at the same time.
OMG! Yes, I need this!
Free Traininig that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones