What is H. Pylori, Symptoms of H. Pylori, and How to Treat It Well
Yesterday, my husband sent me a text.
"Do you have a podcast episode on H. Pylori?"
"I do," I texted back. "Sort of. But it's inside of episodes that are symptom focused. Not pathogen. Why do you ask?"
He'd heard someone in our church share that they had H. Pylori, and they were worried about it and wanted prayer. My husband hear's me talk about EVERYTHING health related, and he KNEW that I talked a lot about H. Pylori. But what I was sad to find was that even though I have multiple episodes on acid reflux, a key symptom of H. Pylori, I had NO episodes on H. Pylori specifically.
Thus, this new series was born.
Over the next 7 weeks, I will go over the 7 key pathogens that are causing 99% of the symptoms in my clients over the last 6 years (over 600 clients!). I am going to go, episode by episode, over:
- What each pathogen is
- Where it lives in the body
- Common symptoms associated with that pathogen
- Less-common symptoms that can happen because of them
- How to do testing
- What testing can give false-negatives
- Signs of a strong protocol to get rid of it
- Examples of bad protocols that I've seen my clients go through
- Reasons you might not feel better even after going through a protocol for that pathogen
- ...and SO MUCH MORE!
I'm going to debunk every single myth I can think of, because the #1 reason that clients who work with me AREN'T feeling better after a pathogen protocol is because of ALL the little things that can go wrong - but don't HAVE to go wrong.
In this series, I'm going to point you to the FASTEST way to heal. Because NO pathogen needs to be ruling your life.
It's time to feel your best, have energy, and get back to your life.
Today's episode is all about H. Pylori. If you've been diagnosed with H. Pylori, had a positive H. Pylori endoscopy or test, have treated it before but think you have it again, want to know a natural, non-antibiotic way to eliminate H. Pylori, or you think you may have it even without testing that shows it, then this episode is for you.

- 40// Reduce Acid Reflux with the Magic Power of Zinc
- 131// 4 Steps to End Acid Reflux and Constipation at the SAME TIME
- 45// The Gut-Skin Connection: Is your gut flaring up your skin?
- Want to heal - for good? Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
- Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!
- Download my Free Constipation Relief Guide
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*This episode was first published at BetterBellyTherapies.com/233
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