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Have you ever wanted to get better in your health, but found yourself STUCK staring at the cost of investment? Have you ever been frustrated with insurance and what it does and doesn’t cover? Have you ever felt the health system was working against you, or you just preferred to spend your money on a couch, a car, or a house rather than your body and health? If so – you are not alone!
Have you ever wanted to get better in your health, but found yourself STUCK staring at the cost of investment? Have you ever been frustrated with insurance and what it does and doesn’t cover? Have you ever felt the health system was working against you, or you just preferred to spend your money on a couch, a car, or a house rather than your body and health? If so – you are not alone!
In 2021, we all need a little something EXTRA. 2020 was hard, and we need the energy and belief to come into 2021 expecting more.
That is why on today’s episode, I talk all about my #1 Wish for YOU this year – and that is – to BELIEVE for MORE. If you have IBS, Chron’s Disease, PMS, cramping, bloating, pain, insomnia, rashes, eczema, pain, foggyheadedness – this wish is applicable to you!
Cee is a performer, teacher, and has traveled for work for over 30 years! Cee has also been a client of mine since the summer of 2019. When she first came to me, she had been through three back surgeries, gallbladder removal, and seen the top doctors in the country from Mayo Clinic to Johns Hopkins University. She could barely walk due to shooting pain in her left leg, was struggling with constant nausea for over a decade, had joint pain, skin rashes, and extreme insomnia.
There is only one word that is as synonymous with the word Holidays as the word Joy: Stress.
Joy and stress. How do they always get put together?
Is a parasite at the bottom of your IBS? Check out this insightful episode to learn about Blastocystis Hominis – the most common IBS parasite.
Have you ever felt like in your diet was a puzzle piece you were trying to make fit – and just didn’t?
Have you ever felt that you weren’t sure what foods would get you the healthy results you want? If so, you are not alone!
Have you ever considered going gluten free? Have you ever gotten a negative result on a Celiac Test but still wondered if you’re allergic to gluten? Are you currently avoiding gluten but still have a bucket of symptoms and are not sure if being gluten free is helping you? If you said “YES” to any of these questions, this episode is for you!
Reintroducing foods into your diet can be a scary thing. If you’ve been on your gut health journey for a while, you’ve probably asked yourself these questions a hundred times:
There are things worth hating in this world. Lies are one of them.
Especially pernicious lies that keep people sick and make them think their sickness is their fault!
The #1 lie about food that I hate is one of those lies.
OMG! Yes, I need this!
Free Traininig that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones