The Fibromyalgia Enigma
If pain is invisible, is it really there?
Unfortunately, for many doctors and health professionals, the answer for fibromyalgia clients is "No."
Or at least - "Maybe. But we don't know what to do about it."
The IBS-Fibromyalgia Connection
According to research done by UCLA, up to 60% of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) also have Fibromyalgia, and up to 70% of patients with Fibromyalgia have IBS.

Having struggled with IBS myself, I remember in my worst years wondering if I ALSO had Fibromyalgia.
Brain fog. Fatigue. Chronic pain. Stiffness. Depression. I had it all.
Over my years working with clients with IBS or other gut health problems, I've also seen an increasing number of my IBS clients who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - or have Fibromyalgia-like symptoms. As I worked more with these clients and took extra courses in functional medicine, I was surprised to learn that there IS a link between Fibromyalgia AND IBS.
The amazing part of this news?
The link between Fibro and IBS is part of the answer to healing both of them. At the same time.
On today's episode, I cover the two invisible (but findable!) sources of pain, brain fog, and fatigue in both Fibromyalgia AND IBS.
Over my years working with clients with IBS or other gut health problems, I've seen an increasing number of clients who also have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - or have Fibromyalgia-like symptoms.
Since the two are often connected, you can heal both IBS and Fibromyalgia at the same time.
On today's episode, I cover the two invisible (but findable!) sources of pain, brain fog, and fatigue in both Fibromyalgia AND IBS.
On Today's Episode, you'll learn:
- How to test for these invisible sources of pain
- How they got in your body in the first place
- And steps you can take to get them out
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