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Better Belly Blog

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How to hack everything from health insurance to your savings to make health more affordable WITHOUT needing more money.

181// How to Make Health More Affordable with Katherine Pomerantz

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How to hack everything from health insurance to your savings to make health more affordable WITHOUT needing more money.

181// How to Make Health More Affordable with Katherine Pomerantz


People are more willing to talk about politics, religion, or sex – than we are willing to talk about money. Did you grow up in a household where it was impolite to talk about money? Do you feel shame about how much money you have, or don’t have, or wished you had? Have you noticed that, no matter how much money you make, you still feel anxiety around money? Have you ever felt shame or guilt about a decision you made with money – especially in your health? If so – today’s podcast is for you!

77// Is Money Holding You Back From Your Best Self? with Financial Therapist, Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Money Mindset

Let’s face it – when it comes to taking care of your health, financial investments are part of the territory. In health, the same as taking care of anything valuable, there are costs: money, time, and effort. And the same as investing in anything else, you always AIM to find the diamond in the rough. Yet – sometimes all you get is a lemon!

Today, we’re talking about MONEY MINDSET! This topic can be awkward to discuss, but is deeply intertwined with our health.
If you feel repelled or your head is swimming at the thought of thinking about money – HOLD tight! This conversation is a gentle and loving one – we even have talking points and homework to take home!

34// Your Money Mindset is Holding You Back in Your Health

Money Mindset

Have you ever wanted to get better in your health, but found yourself STUCK staring at the cost of investment? Have you ever been frustrated with insurance and what it does and doesn’t cover? Have you ever felt the health system was working against you, or you just preferred to spend your money on a couch, a car, or a house rather than your body and health? If so – you are not alone!

23// 3 Reasons We Struggle Investing In Our Health – and What Could Happen If You Don’t


OMG! Yes, I need this!

How to Heal Your Gut...

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...so that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones

...so that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones