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Better Belly Blog

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We all KNOW how important the thyroid is, but there’s often uncertainty surrounding thyroid issues! What if you could understand your thyroid? What if that understanding allowed you to save time, money, and frustration? What if you could be empowered in your health and working with a doctor you KNEW was on the same page as you? I have good news – it’s easier than you think!

71// Why EVERYONE Should Be Able to Read Their Thyroid Markers

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We all KNOW how important the thyroid is, but there’s often uncertainty surrounding thyroid issues! What if you could understand your thyroid? What if that understanding allowed you to save time, money, and frustration? What if you could be empowered in your health and working with a doctor you KNEW was on the same page as you? I have good news – it’s easier than you think!

71// Why EVERYONE Should Be Able to Read Their Thyroid Markers

Functional Lab Testing

My client Jessica came to me with massive endometriosis, skin problems, and insomnia. Learn what she did to reduce it all in 3 months!

67// Endometriosis, Brain Fog, Eczema, Fatigue, Irritability, and Insomnia – How to Fix It All 40% or more in 3 Months [Client Testimonial -Jessica]


Are your hormonal cycles short? Does PMS or your period take you out every month, causing you to dread the arrival of your period? Or do you not get a period at all?
Do you get migraines/headaches around your period or ovulation? Are your energy levels the WORST around your period? Are your mood swings off the charts? If you answered YES to any of those questions, tune in to hear from Sophie Shepherd!

Is histamine at the root of your diarrhea, IBS, fatigue, insomnia, irregular menstruation, and more? Learn today with Isabel Smith, RD

25// Histamines: A Possible Cause of Your Diarrhea, IBS, Fatigue, Insomnia, Irregular Menstruation, and More! – with Isabel Smith RD

Gut Health

OMG! Yes, I need this!

How to Heal Your Gut...

Free Traininig

...so that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones

...so that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones