Healing Constipation with a Redundant Colon or a Mega Colon - Is it possible?
If you have a tortuous colon, redundant colon, or mega colon - do you have a life sentence to constipation? Learn the answer today.
If you're listening to this episode, then you've likely been diagnosed with or believe you may have either a redundant colon or tortuous colon, or a mega colon. And you're wondering - if I have this, can I ever overcome my constipation?
Unfortunately for you, doctors frequently make it sound like a redundant or tortuous colon, or a mega colon, are life sentences to constipation. They often make it sound like you have this irreversible structural problem you'll never overcome, and you either have to do a surgery (that might not help anyways), take tons of laxatives, or you just aren't going to poop daily.
The good news is - this is NOT true.
But I don't expect you to simply take my word for it.
In today's episode, I'm going to dive into WHY a redundant / tortuous colon and megacolon are not life sentences to constipation, why doctors make it seem that way, and what you can do to overcome bloating and constipation in your life - even with a redundant / tortuous colon or megacolon.

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