The 3-Step Mold Treatment Plan
Get the complete mold treatment plan to save money, remediate your home, and heal the fastest possible from toxic mold exposure!
Mold is one of the most complicated, multi-step treatment plans required for almost any pathogen-based illness out there. This is because mold not only requires you to heal your body but also your home and everything you own.
And - there are a LOT of pieces to treating mold.
So today, I'm taking you through my 3-step mold treatment plan that I personally use with my clients to help them heal from mold in the fastest, lowest cost way.
We're going to be covering topics like:
- What tests to use to determine if you even have mold illness
- How to save money finding mold and remediation mold in your home
- My top recommend home mold test
- How to find a qualified mold remediation company near you
- How to find a mold inspector near you (and how to identify one who is not qualified)
- The order of steps for how to heal your body from mold
- Top mistakes to avoid when searching for mold in your home
- Top mistakes to avoid when remediating mold in your home
- What to do for your body BEFORE you start trying to pull mold toxins out of it
- The most common mistakes I see people make when healing their body from mold
This is a MAMMOTH episode designed to be an "episode-of-episodes" for healing mold that you can come back to again-and-again for guidance and insight. My hope is that you walk away empowered and envision for exactly how you CAN and WILL heal from mold, with a clear idea of what steps to take next in your mold healing journey, and what tools and resources you need to help you heal from mold and finally feel like yourself again.
Because when it comes to mold, believing you can heal is one of the hardest, but most important, initial roadblocks to overcome.

- Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?
- Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)
- Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
- Book an Unstuck Session to have me look, line-by-line, at your labs, supplements you've taken, and health history and determine exactly WHAT has been missed for you in healing, and WHAT your next 3-5 steps should be to heal
- Test your home for mold with the DUST Test
- Find a Qualified Mold Inspector and/or Mold Remediator:
- Schedule: Book a FREE mold inspection consultation with WeInspect
- Get Mold Remediation + Inspection Support: Join the Toxic Mold Answers FB Group by my friend Matt Kelly
- Mold Insurance Hacks Free Training
- 10 Most Common Remediation Mistakes Free Download
- Clean Your Stuff Guide
- Mold Free Buying + Renting (use the code: 1066 to get the free resource!)
- Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!
- Download my Free Constipation Relief Guide
- Download the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!
- Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
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