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Our current episode series is all about how being able to read your own blood work from your doctor is a MUST for every woman. Every episode topic, from the thyroid to acid reflux to client testimonials, has led to the upcoming launch of Blood Lab Bootcamp. This online course is going LIVE for registration very soon at the turn of the new year – Jan 5th through 12th. Today, I’m sharing another testimonial on how bloodwork changed a life. But this time – it’s mine!
Our current episode series is all about how being able to read your own blood work from your doctor is a MUST for every woman. Every episode topic, from the thyroid to acid reflux to client testimonials, has led to the upcoming launch of Blood Lab Bootcamp. This online course is going LIVE for registration very soon at the turn of the new year – Jan 5th through 12th. Today, I’m sharing another testimonial on how bloodwork changed a life. But this time – it’s mine!
According to research, 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. That means that for about every 1 in 10 pregnancies, one ends up in miscarriage. It, however, does not mean that 1 in 10 women will experience a miscarriage. As of now in the US, 80% of child-bearing women have more than one child. So – while 1 in 10 of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, researchers estimate that as many as 1 in 3 women have a miscarriage.
People don’t often hear REAL health stories. This aspect of health is somehow taboo! In reality, these stories happen every day, all the time.
What does: breaking your tailbone → PMS → appendicitis → IVF (in-vitro fertilization) → depression → prostatitis → and your microbiome have in common? YOUR PELVIC FLOOR!! Today I interview my friend Dr. Nidhi Sharma, a pelvic floor therapist, and in our episode today, we talk about all this and more!
OMG! Yes, I need this!
Free Traininig that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones that you can poop daily, ditch acid reflux, and balance your hormones