Gut Health, Podcast, Pregnancy

251// 4 Tips to Improve Your Gut Health While Breastfeeding

February 13, 2025

4 Tips to Enhance Your Gut Health While Breastfeeding

Understanding the Link Between Gut Health and Breastfeeding

Before we dive into tips, it's important to understand that while you might feel limited by what you can do for your gut during breastfeeding, supporting your health is entirely achievable.

Breastfeeding is an amazing experience you can have with your child that requires nourishing your body, and doing so safely is vitally important.

Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should avoid certain health protocols because of concerns about detoxing, which can impact the baby. Yet, with gentle and intuitive support, your gut health doesn't have to be on hold. Your journey to gut health can begin now with cautious, informed steps.

4 Tips to Improve Your Gut Health While Breastfeeding

Don't Panic, Grace Yourself

Many women feel discouraged if they can't follow any health protocols due to breastfeeding.

Allow yourself to sit and be present with those emotions. Feeling exhausted or restricted is part of the process, but remember, while you’re doing what's best for your baby, your body will also adapt.

As a functional medicine practitioner, I’ve seen numerous clients navigate these feelings by giving themselves grace. Remember, you are doing an amazing job!

4 Tips to Improve Your Gut Health While Breastfeeding

Lab Testing While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Even while breastfeeding, you can look into certain functional medicine testing (except for hormones) to find out what your body needs.

Testing gives you a baseline understanding of contributing factors to any symptoms or concerns you have.

As a mother, being able to plan your health goals around the expectations and data from these tests can bring you peace of mind.

Once you have clear insights, you can then plan for what your next steps will be when appropriate.

Support Your Body Gently While Breastfeeding

Supporting your body does not have to be drastic. Simple measures, like ensuring you have enough sodium and potassium in your diet, can help maintain your overall health.

And as eager you may be to follow intense detox pathways seen on social platforms, remember less is often more.

By increasing nutrients slowly and evaluating how your body responds, you can safely provide your body the support it needs without overwhelming it.

Detoxing Intuitively for Gut Health

When incorporating detox strategies, such as gentle liver support or a castor oil pack, trust your intuition and proceed with care.

Small, manageable doses and listening to your body are key here.

Always start gently to ensure both you and your baby remain healthy. If in doubt, consulting with a health practitioner can provide tailored support to ensure any detoxing aligns with your health goals and breastfeeding needs.

Your gut health doesn't have to wait. With these four practical tips and a compassionate approach to self-care, you can improve your gut health while providing the best for your baby.

Remember, your body is incredible, and with each step, you’re working toward a healthier, happier you.

To thriving wellness,


4 Tips to Improve Your Gut Health While Breastfeeding



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    • Get 1:1 consultation from Allison on what safe strategies you can use during breastfeeding to address your specific symptoms and health concerns
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*This episode was first published at
Tips for Breastfeeding

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