Mold, Podcast

226// The Mold-Lyme Connection: How to Treat Mold Toxicity and Lyme Disease

August 27, 2024

The Mold-Lyme Connection

Mold toxicity and Lyme disease often come together. Why? And if you have both, which do you treat first? Learn this and more on this episode!


In the world of chronic illnesses that everyone talks about as "difficult to solve", mold and lyme are two infections that find themselves at the top of the pile.

Coincidentally, many people with Lyme disease have mold toxicity, and many people with mold toxicity have Lyme disease.

Why is this? And if you have both, which one do you deal with first?

On today's episode, I'm talking through some basics on mold toxicity and lyme disease including:

  • Signs that you have mold toxicity or lyme disease
  • A common picture of what someone looks like who has both infections
  • What lab testing to do to determine if you have mold toxicity and lyme disease
  • My treatment recommendations for mold toxicity and lyme disease
  • And if you have both, which do you deal with first: mold or lyme?

We're covering all this and more on today's episode!

If you've been dealing with mystery symptoms that your doctor can't fix, or if you think you have or KNOW you have mold illness or lyme disease, then THIS episode is for you.

lyme:mold connection



  • Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!




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*This episode was first published at

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