Get to Know Gauri Pawar


Get to Know Dr. Gauri Pawar

1) Where did you study for school? Where are you currently studying?

I graduated in 2013 from University of Michigan (undergrad) and got my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2018. I worked in outpatient orthopedics and pelvic health following graduation. Currently, I am specializing in pelvic health Physical Therapy and doing a residency program at University of Michigan.

2) What drew you to PT? To your pelvic floor specialty?

I was a patient! I am a chronic pelvic pain survivor and PT helped me get my life back! I learned how effective non-invasive techniques can be and appreciate how much I learned about my body. The pelvis is in the center of the body, and the dysfunction can affect everything from breathing, to abdominal pain, to gut health and movement! It’s fascinating to me! 

3) What is your favorite thing about CST/VM?

I love how non-invasive, low risk, and effective it is at lowering high muscle tone and facial tensions all over the body. It’s so great for helping the body regulate itself and overall lower pain levels. 

4) If you had to choose between reading and traveling, what would you choose?

Oh man, I love to travel! I am a foodie, and I travel and experience the world by tasting my way through places! 
